Young Company
Jones the Dance’s Young Company
We want more people to dance. We want it to be something that everyone feels they can do. Not just for fun, but for so much more too. That’s what our Young Company is about. It offers young people in Wales who would usually have a lot less access to high-quality dance experiences or training than others - in our case because of d/Deafness, or where they live - the chance to dance. We bring dance to our young people, give them ways to train that suit them, in places that are easy to get to, with a close knit group who share their experiences.
Young Company runs two groups:
Jones Bach: Mid Wales Youth Dance (7-16 yrs)
We run regular weekend workshops through the year. Please check the ‘Sign Up’ menu item on the top bar to see what we have coming up. Then in the summer we run a week long summer school.
All sessions are led by professional dance artists and in the summer we usually invite a guest choreographer.
Quiet Beats: d/Deaf Youth Dance (7-16yrs)
The dance workshops for young Deaf and Hard of Hearing people, based in Cardiff. We regularly run sessions during the school holidays. This summer from 12-14th August we will run a summer school at National Dance Company Wales which will finish will a performance for family and friends.
Stay in touch
If you would like us to keep you updated about either of these groups please email and we will add you to our info list. We will be piloting a Quiet Beats in North Wales this summer too
What’s it all about?
Together the Jones the Dance Young Company is building a family of young dancers, fused together by fun, trust, creativity and a love of dance. We think that building skills and confidence with a close group of friends over time, can be transformative for everyone involved.
All our Young Company sessions are designed to spark a passion for dance as well as challenge you and make you think about the things that are important to you. To help us do this, we bring inspiring dancers from a broad range of backgrounds and lived experiences to lead sessions. They’ll work with you to build the excellence, technique and strength you need to dance – as a passion, or maybe even a future career?
Who leads the Young Company
We have two Dance Officers, Amber Howells and Eli Williams heading up each programme. Both are skilled in working with young people and /or the d/Deaf community. They’ll be there on the ground at all times, playing a supportive, mentoring role to our dancers and the group as a whole. They’ll be a point of contact, information, guidance, and consistency, for dancers, parents, and carers alike.
Guest teachers and choreographers
Many of the workshops and summer schools we invite dance teachers and choreographers to lead the sessions and to create new works with the Young Company such as Anna Seymour and Rebecca Long.
Not sure that it is right for you and just want to try it out?
It can be scary to take the step sometimes, so we always offer the chance to come and try out a session as a taster. To see if something special gets sparked. Anyone can come along or bring a friend. They’ll be welcome and looked after and there's no pressure to stay if the spark doesn’t happen.
Contact Kama for more details or to talk about any specific needs you might have that you want us to know about.
Want to know more about each project?
Head over to the relevant pages for more detailed information on how to book, specific dates and times and all the other important information you will need to know.
This Young Company has been made possible with the funding from the Arts Council of Wales, and with partnership support from Gregynog, The Hafren, Chapter Arts and Deaf Hub Wales